Tuesday, February 3, 2009


A big hat tip with a flourish to Girl Scout Gone Bad for finding this wonderful early reference to the above moniker...
Bucks County (PA) Gazette

April 4, 1896

[This article was an item about the surprise announcement of a

long-standing engagement of some European notables, and included a

first-person account of M. Reszke's fiancee]

Jean De Reszke's Fiancee

...I have been engaged for seven years to the Comtesse de Donlaine,

the divorced Comtesse de Maillu-Nesle.

..My fiancee is devoted to the theater...She has a beautiful voice,

and is perhaps the best amateur singer in Paris.

...Her personal appearance? She is a Venetian blond...

1 comment:

Rachel Sacks Bowen said...

I personally love how the 2nd description could easily be you! :)