Friday, September 4, 2009

Not One of Those Posts

Nope, this will not be one of those posts in which I explain in great detail why I haven't posted in a month. I could do one word though.


Ha! I am indeed having great fun microblogging, and have made some fun friends. Anyways, here goes with what's on tap for the future.

Tomorrow is an epic dinner party, something that we do not do nearly enough. I like having fancy plans to wear fancy pants to.

Fall semester starts Sept. 8, with Statistics. We will get some extra credit though, if we submit articles to


I'm also in the process of reviving Two Sisters Crochet for the crochet season, and making some very nifty new items. Now taking custom orders for Christmas, if anyone is so inclined.

I'm thinking of hosting a craft party here at the house sometime, because it gets kind of lonely crocheting by myself, and now that we have some help with the house, I might not be too appalled to have people come over.

For Halloween we've been invited to another epic party, including neighborhood shenanigans, pumpkin carving, etc.

Then of course there's the trip to NC for the wedding at the end of October. Lots of fun stuff to do and think about. I also have some writing in mind for an upcoming adjudicated shindig later in the year. Maybe because I'm doing a mathish class this term I'll be inclined to write.

This is why you should buy something from Two Sisters Crochet...

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