Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kratz the DA: LadyHaters of the Day

Ken Kratz, a prosecutor in Wisconsin, admitted to sending inapproprate texts to the victim of a domestic abuse case.  While he was prosecuting her boyfriend for strangulation, he sent her 30 texts calling her a "hot nymph" and asking if "she was the kind of girl who likes secret contact with an older married elected DA." This woman was vulnerable twice over, first as a victim of abuse, and second, because the prosecutor had power over how her case was handled.  To add insult to injury, he first refused to resign his post saying that the punishment would be "too harsh."  Um, hello, abuse of power?

But he doesn't see it as abuse of power.  He sees it as sexy fun time.

Here's a quote from a full article in Slate.com:

By putting himself in company with men like Tiger Woods who are seeking treatment for sexual compulsions, Kratz has attempted to elide the difference between sexual behavior that's profligate and sexual behavior that's predatory. But you can't draw a straight line from Tiger Woods to Ken Kratz. Whether or not Woods is technically a sex addict—as Slate's Hanna Rosin has pointed out, it's hard for us to know—the athlete chose lovers who apparently wanted to have sex with him. He (and self-professed sex addict David Duchovny) could beg for privacy on the grounds that mental-health issues are personal and, besides, the women they hurt most were their wives.
It's one thing to betray your wife. It's quite another to attempt to leverage your elected powers into an opportunity to get laid, as Kratz did. Kratz should not be allowed to exploit a cultural sensitivity toward mental illness to shield himself from the condemnation of the public. Why, that's almost as manipulative as coming on to the victim whose case you're prosecuting.

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